How will my life change after a Hysterectomy?

This is an exclusive, straightforward resource for women looking for ways to improve their quality of life after hysterectomy surgery.

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woman after hysterectomy

You may have found this site:

  1. Trying to figure out why you gained so much weight after the hysterectomy
  2. To learn what to do about the bladder issues you have had since your surgery
  3. Searching for a solution for your severe menopause symptoms

Well, you have come to the right place. This site provides many great articles on the side effects that can occur after hysterectomy surgery and how to cope with them.

The emotional effects of a hysterectomy vary greatly from woman to woman, from relief and peace of mind to grief and distress. For the most part, these feelings depend on the reason for the surgery. And if you still wish to have children.

The truth is, the more you know about the procedure and possible side effects, the better you will cope afterward. So, a lot depends on the information and your doctor’s support.

You may like to start reading:

  1. What is a hysterectomy?
  2. Hysterectomy preparation checklist.
  3. Guidelines for a faster hysterectomy recovery time.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle after hysterectomy

Most women focus on the short-term health issues of their surgery. However, very few women clearly understand this procedure’s long-term implications on their health. Hysterectomy surgery increases the risk of heart disease, pelvic organ prolapse, osteoporosis, and bowel dysfunction.

After a hysterectomy, specific lifestyle changes are mandatory to offset these long-term health risks. The right nutrition, regular exercise, weight control, and sufficient sleep can protect you from several health risks. Beyond that, it dramatically improves your quality of life after hysterectomy. You can find tips on maintaining optimal health in these articles.

Life after hysterectomy The side effects

Intimacy after hysterectomy

Less invasive procedures for hysterectomy

For decades they performed a hysterectomy only through a large abdominal incision or through the vagina. You normally would stay in the hospital to recover for 7 to 10 days. Nowadays, women have much less invasive options for this surgery. Laparoscopically-assisted vaginal hysterectomy and robotic-assisted hysterectomy are minimally invasive procedures. In addition to causing less blood loss and pain, women can recover faster with these procedures.

Bladder Issues after hysterectomy

Temporary nerve issues and swelling may cause a lack of sensation after a hysterectomy. When the uterus is removed, the supporting tissues of the bladder can be damaged, causing bladder issues. Therefore, several women find that their bladder function has altered after a hysterectomy. For some women, this means difficulties emptying the bladder, whereas others have problems holding their urine after surgery.