4 Bladder problems after hysterectomy and what to do about it

It is not uncommon for women to complain about bladder problems after hysterectomy, like lack of bladder control, bladder spasms, a burning feeling, and frequent visits to the bathroom.

bladder problems after hysterectomy

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We all know that having problems with our bladder is a part of getting old.

But, if you have to face problems like incontinence in your early forties, that is hard to accept. However, concern is often unnecessary, as most of these problems will be resolved in time. A hysterectomy is a major operation that can weaken the ligaments or damage supporting structures.

After the hysterectomy, your bladder will miss the support it had from your uterus, and its place in the pelvis will be different. During your hysterectomy recovery period, the pelvis tissues will heal, and your feeling and control of the bladder will gradually return.

Sometimes, these problems bladder after hysterectomy persist. Bladder issues that may need medical attention are:

Potential bladder problems during or after hysterectomy

1. Bladder injury

With every operation, there is a risk of complications. One of the risks of a hysterectomy is that the surgeon can accidentally injure the bladder with one instrument. Usually, when this happens, the surgeon will repair it. But if the injury goes unnoticed, one may suffer very uncomfortable complications.
For instance, when urine is leaking from the bladder into the abdomen, peritonitis may occur, a life-threatening condition.

When your bladder problems after hysterectomy begin with urine leaking from the vagina, a hole (fistula) likely exists between the bladder and the vagina. Such a vesicovaginal fistula is often the result of untreated bladder injury and rarely closes spontaneously. This means the woman will need a second surgery to close this abnormal passage.

They may say bladder injuries are rare, as they happen in only 2% of all hysterectomies. In the US, 600.000 hysterectomies are performed annually, which means that 12.000 women will suffer from bladder injury.

2. Overactive bladder problems after hysterectomy

At times, nerve damage or infections are the reason for an overactive bladder after surgery. This intense, unstoppable feeling of having to go to the toilet, even if you have little or no urine in the bladder, is due to the bladder’s detrusor muscle malfunctioning.
After a hysterectomy, overactive bladder problems include frequent visits to the bathroom, even during the night (nocturia), and leaking urine.

What can you do about it?

  • Strengthen the pelvic muscles with Kegel exercises.
  • Avoid substances that irritate the bladder, like coffee, alcohol, carbonated drinks, and spicy meals.
  • Get rid of the extra pounds, as your extra weight can notably impact the pelvic floor muscles that support your bladder.
  • Several medications (anticholinergics ) can help relax the Detrusor muscle. Common side effects of these medications are dry mouth, constipation, and sometimes confusion.

Read more in our post: 5 Effective home remedies for overactive bladder

3. Weak bladder

The inability to hold urine when you cough or laugh is called stress incontinence or, as many women call it, a weak bladder. In fact, it is a weakness of the muscles and the tissues that support the bladder, resulting in excess mobility of the urethra. These are better known as the pelvic floor muscles.

There is an increased risk of damage to pelvic floor supportive structures during a hysterectomy, which often results in bladder problems after hysterectomy.

If, during surgery, they remove the ovaries, estrogen levels in the body will drop. Low estrogen levels weaken the tissues in the pelvic area. You can correct many of these problems with pelvic floor exercises. Still, sometimes it is so severe that a dropped bladder occurs (prolapse or cystocele), and a woman needs surgical treatment.

A Swedish study shows that women who underwent a hysterectomy were 2.7 times more at risk of having urinary incontinence surgery within the next five years.

Some women benefit from using kegel exercise equipment like, for example, the Intimate Rose kegel exercise weights. This product will help you strengthen pelvic muscles and relieve stress incontinence.

Read more in our post: Can you fix light bladder leakage after hysterectomy?

4. Bladder infection

Infections are common bladder problems after hysterectomy, known as urinary tract infections (UTIs). Usually, they insert a catheter before the hysterectomy begins. Catheterization comes with an increased risk of bacteria entering the urinary tract.

This may cause an infection of the urethra or bladder, which can eventually spread to the kidneys if not taken care of.
Normally, the catheter stays in for one or two days after surgery and is removed before you go home.

It is not uncommon for women to develop a bladder infection after they have gone home. The first signs that show you may have a urinary tract infection are:

  • Having a burning or painful feeling while urinating.
  • You feel like you need to urinate but can’t.
  • Visiting the bathroom more often than usual.
  • The urine has a dark/cloudy appearance and smells unpleasant.

When this is the case, your doctor may want you to have a urine test to confirm that you have a urinary tract infection. Most women soon feel better when they start antibiotic treatment and pain-relieving medication.

Read more in our post: Why do I keep getting UTIs after hysterectomy?

The most common bladder problems after hysterectomy are recurring urinary tract infections. The sudden drop in the hormone estrogen is responsible for weakening the tissues of the urethra and vagina, making women more susceptible to UTIs. Low-dose vaginal creams containing estrogen seem to be beneficial in recurring infections.

If you liked this article, feel free to leave a comment below.

Reviewed by: Kimberly Langdon M.D. (OB/GYN)
Date reviewed: 17/3/2019

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  1. I am four weeks post op having had a total laparoscopic hysterectomy surgery. The first week everything went so well. As I started to
    move more the constant leaking started. I am having a difficult time dealing with this emotionally. I literally have to fight depression with this although my surgery and recovery went so well apart from this. I retired early and I am a college student trying to manage how I will navigate my life with this issue that I did not have prior to surgery. I see my Urologist Gynecologist next week and I am hopeful I will have answers them. I did have the same thoughts about travel, the gym and knowing how active my lifestyle is I have to find resolution.

    I hope all of you that are dealing these more serious medical issues forgive my complaining and I hope for you all is that you get the answers, support and healing you need.

    1. Sandi, pelvic floor exercises would definitely be my first step. By strengthening the pelvic floor, you will be able to prevent leaks. Discuss this with your doctor at your next visit. Then he will explain how they should do them. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

  2. hi Barbara praise the Lord! happy for you! he is the divine doctor, and i have the same problem. is not fun, i pray my problem be resolve as well. Blessings. Rita.

  3. I had a partial hysterectomy, rectocele repair and cystocele repair. I have had bladder burning for the last 3 years since the surgery. I had a bladder infection recently and they scoped my bladder and found no issues. It’s so crazy. They said my body got rid of the infection on its own. But boy was I miserable in that process and it is dangerous. Nobody seems to have any simple answers. One day I just prayed and told Heavenly Father I needed his help. This burning was beyond my ability to cope. He blessed me and I was able to get through it. And I have felt relief from the burning as I have prayed for help. He is the master physician! He is all knowing. I just keep praying for help to find an answer to this tough problem. I know that God knows my pain and I am so excited on days when I am not burning.I didn’t know so many other women experience this and all the other multitude of symptoms. Thanks for sharing your burdens with all of us. It helps to know we have other women who understand.

  4. I had a total hysterectomy in October 2011 where they had nicked my bladder(but they fixed it). By December, all the hormones had left my body and I was having hot flashes terribley. Within 6 months I had my first UTI, then every 3 months or so, and it kept getting more frequent with time. Now, in 2021, I have had an ongoing 10 uti in 10 months. A few days after finishing the antibiotic, I get another one! I am so tired of going to the ER, given an antibiotic, told to follow up with my doctor, he says I am clean, then days later back to the ER. I have been waiting 4 months to see a urologist and she did nothing! I tested positive for another uti, she WAITS 6 more days until the culture comes back to prescribe Bactrim, nothing for the pain and burning(blood in my urine at this point) and after 10 days on it, THRE days later I am back in the ER with another one on February 20, 2021 where I am given a shot of Rocephin and told to return the next 2 mornings for shots. I am scheduled for a bladder scope on March 15th but can not have it done if I have an active uti! I am 59 now, type 2 diabetic and had a complete hysterectomy. Getting up every hour to urinate around the clock has given me chronic insomnia as well! As the infection progresses, you urinate more frequently to the point I was at 30 minute intervals. I was put on overactive bladder medication(santura) and it made my vision blurry on the second dose. Was told not to stop it. I did anyway, I can’t afford to go blind! I am at my wits end because no one can tell me exactly why I keep getting them or HOW to STOP from getting them just days after finishing an antibiotic! Why are we paying these so called urologists if all they do is the same thing the ER does? AGGRAVATION!!!!! I am in pain and sleep deprived and need some answers and a SOLUTION to my problem before I become totally resistant to all the antibiotics, the infection go into my blood stream and die!

  5. I am so glad to hear there are other ladies with the same problem, now i don’t feel so alone. I had a total abdominal hysterectomy on 8 August. After removing my uterus Dr found a hole in my bladder. I had the catheter in for two weeks. Felt very weak. I was prescribed Estrofem. A week after the catheter was removed i still felt fine and then i started leaking. I was first given Oxybutymin, but too many side effects, dry mouth, sleeplessness and difficulty urinating. I am using Ethipramine at the moment and it seems to help. Also doing pelvic exercises. Then a week after i got uri. Was on antibiotics for a week but it didn’t help. Went back and the dr gave me other antibiotics and prednisone, almost a week now and there is no improvement, still pain and burning. I am feeling very tired and lost at the moment.

  6. Yes. I had an hysterectomy in June and for several weeks after everything was fine but prob about 2 months after surgery I began to leak. Sometimes it can feel like a tap has been turned on and other days not so bad. Doing pelvic floor exercises but not sure whether this is making any difference

  7. I had a tabhso operation last Feb 21, 2018. I was rushed to the er due to profuse bleeding later found with the ultrasound result I had 3 cystic myoma deciding with my husband to push thru with the operation. I had a catheter for three days and was in dire pain when they removed it, blood clots were flushing out whenever I urinate and the hospital doesn’t want to release me since I still pee blood. Upon discharge after 8 days in the hospital, went to have transvaginal ultrasound finding out my bladder was still I’m trauma and full of blood clots. But 2 nights already I am awakened because I pee on the bed and during the daytime, I am having small urine visit in the bathroom and take note I am still urinating with dark red blood with it, please explain and help me understand this situation, did someone experience the same?

  8. I have the same problem my surgery was done oct 13th nov 13th starting having leakage day and night went to a urologist found out I have 2 tears in my bladder march 13th I have to go make sure she didn’t nick my tube leading to my bladder

  9. I had a hysterectomy about 5 yrs ago 4/2013, everything was taken except my ovaries. For the next year, I experienced pain as bad or worse than before surgery. Bladder problems,incontinence, leakage, painful sex,fatigue, urgency pain in left side,pelvic & tailbone pain. Bloating, feeling of pressure in lower abdomen, pelvis. In 5/2014 I had exploratory surgery and was diagnosed with a cyst on my ovary and endometriosis that was growing into my bowels. The following week I had surgery to remove cyst and endo. This did not solve all my problems but has helped with the painful periods tremendously. Majority of the other symptoms still exist with the bladders ones more severe. About a year ago I was diagnosed with IC interstitial cystitis, from there I a cysto/hydrodistention, changed some eating habits, medication etc. Sorry to say but really the only major improvement has been urgency and incontinence.

  10. Does it really work? I’m really nervous I have surgery in 3 weeks and all these stories about utis scare me. I’m really good with pain but utis send me over the edge. I lose my mind with them. I ordered a bottle. My fingers are crossed. Thanks for the tip

  11. Do *not* take Cipro (or any of that type of med… levaquin is another). They cause horrible pain and issues that are LONG lasting or even permanent. It’s ALL over the web!! I found out too late when trying to figure out why I hurt like hell all over my body post surgery. Thought it was infections, but turned out to be the meds for it! They gave me levaquin later and my tendons hurt badly after only 2 days. By day 4 I could barely walk and stopped taking it. A month after levaquin…. my arches are still painful and if I sit for longer than 5 min, I can barely walk when I stand up. It’s ridiculous. I’m 41yo and never had any body aches before!

  12. Had a total hysterectomy and bladder sling on the 26th of June, 2017. Sent home with a catheter and removed it myself after 3 days. This same date that I removed my own catheter, per doctor instructions, I went to see the GYN doctor that performed the surgery for a follow-up. Could not understand why I had to remove my own catheter that was placed by doctor in hospital and seeing them again on the same day?? Since that date, I have gone back with a total of 4-5 UTI’s. Given a 3-4 day supply of medication and would return back again within a 2 week span to find out I had another UTI. I have now been released under doctor care as of yesterday, August 16th and told I have possibly another UTI or bladder spasm. Totally mind blowing to say the least. Awaiting word from the urine culture they took to see what my next option will be. Wondering how long it takes for the body to fully heal and get back to normal.

    1. Oh Lisa, I have had exactly the same story going on that you describe and it is very disappointing to say the least. I had the same surgery except mine was done 11/3/16–still having the same UTI every few weeks (same Strep B bacteria shows on culture almost every time). I have had antibiotics every month for short periods, twice was given for long period (3 weeks) and now on daily preventative antibiotics (Macrodantin). I kept hearing “it may take a year”. I’m glad I didn’t wait a full year to get more aggressive in seeking treatment, because it has robbed me of a lot of my life this year, and I still don’t have an answer. Been to two OB/GYNs and now on to the Urologist. It was a helpless feeling being officially “released” also, but still have all these constant infections. Have had two cystoscopies but no answers. I’m so tired of being at the drs office and tired of being on antibiotics for almost a YEAR now. But i can’t get off–the infection comes back within a few days. I’m going to make an appt again with Urologist and request CT scan. I can’t accept this as normal. It’s scary when you start finding out how many other women are also suffering with the after effects of these surgeries that you really believed were going to be so positive!. I regret having the sling surgery, but still have hope as I know there are others much worse off. I’m so sorry you are going thru this, and I do understand. Wishing you the best!

    2. Had a hysterectomy about 2 years ago, and since, had a retention of urine, passing only small ammounts, but stilll feeling full, until 3 weeks ago. Having to use the toilet in an urgent, and not 100% hygenic situation, Is stood up, as guys do to urinate. That was the magic moment. It went on, and on, Passed what must have been 2 pints, and did I feel so good afterwards. Needless to say, that is now my modus operandum. My only worry is, what if somebody sees me and thinks that I am odd. However, I had to pass on my joy, an d feeling of wellbeing to others, hoping that it may be of help to them.xx.

    3. Hello, my name is Cynthia. I had my surgery 10/19/2017. It was a total hysterectomy. There were complications. The urethra was cut during the surgery. I had a catheter and stent. My bladder had to be moved from the left to right to reconnect the urethra. When that was reconnected they put the stent in. Catheter was removed on Wednesday before thanksgiving. I have been on antibiotics twice for urine infections. Took my last pill earlier but the uncomfortable burning does not ease up for one minute. It doesn’t matter what I drink or don’t drink, sit or don’t sit, I hurt. I am at my wits end.

    4. I recently had a total hysterectomy (ovaries, tubes, etc) and I felt the onset of a UTI from my cath that was removed on day 2. When I went to do a follow up visit 4 days after surgery (in the hospital for 3) I informed my Gyn doctor and he wrote me a RX for “hospital UTI”. He said out of the UTIs this is the worst one to have. I took the antibiotic and to this day that was my only episode.

  13. It’s been interesting reading all of these comments. I am just 2 days post op-total hysterectomy. I am having the same difficulty peeing that most of you say you’ve had. While hospitalized, the nurses noticed I was not voiding the way I should have been while catheterized. I was also receiving fluids. It took a much older CNA to detect a “kink” in the Foley. She promptly had me spread my legs and made the adjustment. Quick relief. But now I am wondering if the overnight “extended” bladder could be why I am feeling the discomfort of feeling like I have to pay and not able to void more than a trickle to a very very light stream. I am hoping it corrects itself. My post-op with my OBGYN is in 2 weeks. Thanks.

  14. I just came across your comment and wanted to let you know my situation as I have the same problem. I had a total abdominal hysterectomy in 2013 for a large left-sided ovarian mass. The mass actually grew onto my bladder and pelvic wall. It caused internal bleeding and a multitude of problems. I was urinating every 10 minutes prior to my surgery and not emptying my bladder. I would go to the bathroom and when they catheterized me, I would only have 10cc coming out but the bladder scan showed over 300cc remaining in my bladder. After my surgery, my doctor informed me that I might have some issues with overactive bladder. HAHA!! I literally was going every 30 minutes and could not go back to work as a registered nurse. I was only sleeping 1-2 hours at a time and was waking up constantly. I became severely depressed. I sought medical treatment from my urologist who tried every medication for overactive bladder but nothing helped. I ended up contacting a disability attorney and had to wait 3 years for a hearing. This past February I was awarded full disability and back pay. A vocational expert from social security said I would be off task more than 16% and that no employer would tolerate me being away from my desk or my patients for 5-10 minutes every 30 minutes. I read your comment and my heart goes out to you. Some medications may help a typical overactive bladder. My bladder was damaged and there are no medications available to help. I tried all of the antimuscarinics out there. If you haven’t seen a urologist, I highly recommend it and consider seeking disability if your condition worsens and you cannot work comfortably. I made way more money as a nurse so I am not happy that I had to go on disability, but it does help to have an income that is based on the years I worked as a nurse. God bless!

  15. I had a full hysterectomy done major surgery 4 weeks ago before I got home my bloods were up they did a cat scan which showed up I had a abscess beside my bladder they give me antibiotics I’m no better every night I’m up at the toilet 2 or 3 times passing urine then my stomach gets very sore I think I have thrush I have a very severe itch they had some problems with my right tube when taking them out I bleed alot so I’m very sensitive you would swear I was pregnant passing urine all the time what should I do thanks

    1. Hi i am 4 days post op i cant say i had any issues as of yet. I went in on monday stayed over night. I rested well till today i did lot driving today so little sore but i been not even taking pain meds.

  16. Hi,
    adding my story to give some hope to the ladies who have gone through the same experience.
    I’m 46 and got uterous + cervix + ovaries + tubes removed.
    Before the surgery I had 2 issues:
    – bladder incontinence
    – overreactive bladder
    If I have to rate how much they were bugging me BEFORE THE SURGERY on a scale of 1 (min) to 10 (terrible) I’d say:
    – bladder incontinence –> 2/10
    – over reactive bladder –> 6/10
    The above were confirmed by the Urodynamic test that my urogynecologist advised.

    THE DAY AFTER the surgery everything got much worse:
    – bladder incontinence –> 8/10
    – over reactive bladder –> 10/10

    My urogynecologist suggested the following:
    – take medications to help the bladder to relax
    – start the kegel exercises
    – follow a program of bladder retraining
    – give it time as the bladder needs to reposition itself once the uterous is gone
    – change the diet avoiding trigger foods/beverages (as explained in this website too)

    For almost 20 days after the surgery my life has been absolutely miserable. Things started to improve around the 22nd day after the surgery.
    I’m still fighting these issues but every day is a little better.

    Don’t give up. You can come on top of this. But you need to be consistent and patient.
    Hope this helps.

    1. Hello. I’m having the same issues you had. I’m now 4wpo and my bladder is giving me fits. I have total hysterectomy via robotic and my bladder just will not stop. Urgency, bladder spasms, UTI’s, bubbles in urethra, burning, incontinence (i had bladder sling surgery and still no relief) and it feels like it got worse instead of getting better.

      I have a Urogynecologist but i’m so tired of this.

    2. If nothing else l don’t feel so alone in this!!!I had my robotic hysterectomy 30 days ago!!!I’m 63 divorced l live alone….my insurance made me go to a hospital two hours away……l seemed to be healing well then got a fever n started bleeding….l went to a gyno n then an internist close to home…both did pelvics…both told me lm healing well….started to have a fever n had blood test n urine tests done….found out lve a UTI…. Still spotting from vagina…..now on meds for infection…..this is hard to do alone….have bad lower tummy pain n now seems on one side of back….l had stage l cancer….but….cancer free now!!!God bless you all to heal….

  17. I’m 39 years old and I had a hysterectomy on Dec. 2nd 2017, removing the uterus, tubes and cervix. I still have my ovaries. All due to endometriosis. I have persistent abdominal pain and reoccurring UTI. Pain that wakes me up through the night. Pain all day. Can anyone help? I know I have scar tissue from 4 previous c-sections over 17 yrs ago.

    1. Hi Tory,
      I would get back in touch with your surgeon there maybe some other underlining issue that needs to be dealt with.

    2. OMG! This is totally me! 4 wks post op today and the bladder pain and spasms have severely worsened over the past week. Called my Dr this morning and I’m waiting on a return call.

    3. Hi, I’m Carolyn and I may have endometriosis. I have had an EGD and colonoscopy that were clear but still having symptoms such as: severe bloating, off and on constipation, painful periods, lightheaded, some nausea, abdominal pain, back pain, fatigue, lack of energy, and so on. My regular doctor thinks it could be endometriosis and told me that it is only diagnosed with laparoscopic surgery. I’m seeing my gyn tomorrow to see if he agrees. My menses are still regular but every 26 days now and painful with heavy bleeding for at least 2-3 days. I get very warm at times and am flushed. This makes me wonder if I am in perimenopause. I have fibroids and wondering if I should get a partial hysterectomy. I just want to feel better!

    4. Hello Tori, I’m replying because I just read your story and need to share with you that I am 13 days post op, had my uterus, tubes, cervix and ovaries removed. I had horribly painful periods and fibroids, which was the reason for the hysterectomy initially, but once in, they discovered I had severe endometriosis and my urethra was also cut because the scar tissue was so bad, so many organs were almost fused together with the endometriosis growths. Anyway, my OBGYN said she had to remove my ovaries, although I just turned 40 a couple days ago, and the plan was to keep them prior to surgery.. but she said that typically the cure for endometriosis is to remove the ovaries! The ovaries supply our hormones that contribute to the cause of the overgrowths of endometriosis. She is also having me wait for 3-6 months to even begin any type of hormone therapy because she said if there are any traces of the endometriosis scarring tissue the hormones will basically feed it to grow and the endometriosis will more than likely return.

  18. Had a hysterectomy at age 36 due to endometriosis, over 300 endometriomas were removed plus the uterus and ovaries. I was placed on hormone replacement therapy and all went well until a new G P decided that at 65 I no longer needed hrt and refused to write a script. Since then urinary problems started, first with incontinence then pre menstral type discomfort and after a scan was told that everything had settled due to the hysterectomy and to take pain killers and wear a pad, as at my age (74) it was to be expected. This website has been very informative and I will now request a specialist appointment, as I can tolerate the incontinence if need be but as a fit woman I would like to have the lower abdominal discomfort and back sorted if possible. I did have 30 symptom-free years.

  19. I had a hysterectomy due to a prolapsed uterus, along with a midurethral sling, rectocele, urethrocele, and cystocele repairs. All of it was done in late 2014. About 5 months later, I had a UTI. Then another and another. I was having recurrent UTIs about every 3-4 weeks. I got so good at identifying the signs that I’d run to the store and take OTC bladder meds like Cystocele for it and the tingling and pain wild go away. Test after test produced mix results. Sometimes I was positive for UTI, sometimes for contamination but not a clear UTI, sometimes nothing at all. Urgent cares and doctors wild give me antibiotics and it wild clear up but be back Again like clockwork. I was even put on a low dose antibiotic for 4 months, but that didn’t work at all.

    During and between infections, I would try different things like taking probiotics, drinking tons of water, dietary changes, and even some cranberry juice. The pain was far less but it didn’t help the frequency of recurrent infection.

    A couple times, a cystoscopy was performed. A flow test was also done. Nothing. My own research made me think that maybe my ovaries weren’t functioning like they use to and hormones might have been the issue. I was given some hormone cream to apply externally by the urethra. The doctor was just throwing it out there but the thinking was maybe the tissue around the opening of the urethra wasn’t as plump as it use to be. Basically, this could mean that urine and contaminants could be getting sucked back into the tract.

    Tried the cream for a couple weeks. In the meantime, I saw a gyno and asked for a hormone check. Instead of doing the test, they prescribed me a low dose clear estradiol patch that I change every 3-4 days. It’s a tiny patch that I place right above the hairline of my pelvis. It’s been 3-4 months and I haven’t had a UTI since. I really believe I tried everything. I don’t know how long this will last, but for now, I’m happy with this method.

    1. I apologize for my typos. Autocorrect isn’t so correct. The OTC meds I was taking for symptom relief was Cystex, to avoid any confusion.

    2. Hi Georgia, I had a hysterectomy in 2014 also for a prolapse. I have a mesh sling in there also. I have been on numerous antibiotics through these two years like you have. I also have horrible burning in there which I would say is worse than the UTI’S sometimes. My urogynecologist can’t figure out what’s causing all this. Do you have the burning also? My doctor said she would take the sling out of me if I wanted it out. I’m seriously thinking about doing it. I will mention to her about the estradiol patch that seems to be working for you. I was only told to use Estate cream, which sometimes makes be burn also. I live in Massachusetts. I’m not having any luck of what to do about this here. I’m very depressed about it. Write me back Georgia if you would like to. Thanks.

    3. Georgina,
      Thank you for your comment! I have been on this terrible UTI merry-go-round since my surgery almost a year ago, and this is something new to try. It can’t hurt–done everything else!

    4. That’s great you found a solution.

      I’m starting to experience pelvic pain 5 months after POP surgery via da Vinci and with mesh used. I had a full hysterectomy and bladder sling with sacropoplexy, with the mesh. I’m worried! The pain makes it difficult to walk around and put pressure on my legs.
      Appt next week. Hope I’m not part of the statistics!

    5. Georgina, thank you for your submission. I can almost 100% relate to everything you had wrong. I am gonna talk to my Dr about hormone testing. This pain has lasted since my surgery (8/22/2018) and I’m sick of missing work, missing out on friends and other functions I used to love to do. My doctor’s think I’m crazy. But once I had a cystoscopy on 12/6/2018, my bladder was so infected it was bleeding pockets of blood from the sores. They gave me cephalexin and pyridine. But I’m now 1 month post antibiotics and the pain is back and worse than before. My PCP referred me to a psychiatrist yesterday to talk out my emotional and mental distress. But she didn’t help me with my continued constipation and bladder spasm issues. I’m only 35, had my hysterectomy in 2016 at the age of 32 due to endometriosis and multitudes of cysts blocking flow from my right ovary and tube.
      Thanks again for having the courage to post on here. This has been so helpful to see and empathize with all of you ladies. Much luck to all of you suffering .
      -Annette Miller

  20. I am not a week yet post op for abdominal surgery with left ovary & uterus taken out. Mesh repair on the inside for vaginal prolapse from both bowel and bladder pressing into side of vagina. Internal repair too as I think I had burning sensation from pessary as it has a wire inside which I didn’t know about and I had a magnetic resonance imaging done in research I volunteered for. So I was all for Doctor checking if bladder was OK which they did with a scope & it was. She said the bladder inside wall was like the inside of your mouth. It does normally repair quickly any minor irritation. Surgery was last Wednesday, total anesthesia but epidural which only worked on left side. I woke up afraid I had a stroke when the goal was to have both lower pelvic area numb at least a day or two. I had pelvic catheter. Once they clamped it off I was going every hour to half hour 200-300 ml. Then they would unclamp catheter and I would only have 30-50-70 ml left. They said I was a trooper but I asked if they could turn off IV fluids as I blamed them for my having to go so much. I did go still every 3-4 hours and eventually I was able to make it to our semi private bathroom (grabbing chair, wall or door area to feel secure) They took out the catheter and next day they took out the epidural and I was able to walk. (Before this too numb, I would stand and knees give out on me) So they had to change dressing three times as cathety hike was leaking, it seemed to stay dry with the last one. The nurse said it looked good. I came home Saturday afternoon, had a small but good supper but three BMS that night were so hard, first one really constipated. Sunday I just wanted to sleep. I was only sleeping 2-4 hours from time pain medication helped me to having to get up to pee. Monday I changed the dressing and it had yellow, blood and I thought grey (could have been old blood) So hubby and I went to hospital. From 12-1 PM we got there, they took blood to send away for blood cultures. Also urine which emerg nurse said had infection and Blood in it. I am on antibiotics now, and a nurse is to come once a day to do dressing change and packing in a small area which is called a wet to dry dressing. Stings as normal saline salt is in there. So far no sign of infection in wound. Took third antibiotic pill tonight. I am hoping it will help stop the incontinence. If urine sample shows something growing by another bug that the Macrobid antibiotic can’t help, they will call me. I take Zantac also as given that in hospital but never had gas there, but have it now.
    What are the best over the counter pain pills (I am using prescribed narcotic, two Tylenol, sometimes an Advil. ) After four hours I will take Robaxacet (a muscle relaxant and another Tylenol. Any natural methods, teas, exercises would help. I was encouraged by nurse that after my antibiotic is finished Saturday,to just try and stop pee midstream, kegel exercises sort of.

    1. I’ve read several people’s posts about getting repairs made with mesh that is rather current (last couple years) and I’m surprised. There has been a class action lawsuit about using mesh for these repairs, they were supposed to have stopped using mesh. There were all kinds of commercials on tv about them for the past several years. I talked to my GYN back in 2012 about the mesh issue and she said they have other things they can use instead of mesh (muscle, tendons, etc). Might want to check about the mesh complication issue.

    2. Rhonda, I’m three days post op and obviously having issues, since I’m here. My Dr offered me abdominal mesh, which is apparently what they are using in place of the vaginal mesh, but there is still a possibility of complications.

      I’m still looking through the tread for issues similar to mine. My bladder wont “wake up” and do it’s job at all.

  21. Hi I had a full hysterectomy three and a half weeks ago , I thought I was doing really well apart from getting back pain but now two hours ago I have lost control of my bladder , no pain just weeing a river every where .I have called the hospital up for advice but I’m still waiting for some one to get back to me

    1. What was the result? I had one 2 weeks ago and I’m leaking like a waterfall and I cannot deal with this

    2. Any word yet?? I’m in the same situation! 2 weeks post op things were good, now going into my 3rd week and it’s just coming out with no control like a period! No blood, I’m assuming urine.. but it’s just leaking out constantly, so I have to wear pads, again?! Just started a couple hours ago, so I will call somewhere tomorrow to see if I can get any information on what’s going and if I should be worried.

    3. I have exactly the same problem and now I think I have a bladder infection as well, in absolute agony and being Christmas Day I can’t get hold of my doctor

    4. I had a complete hysterectomy, ovaries, fallopian tubes, etc removed over 15 years ago and now, suddenly, I have terrible bladder problems. Wanting to go all the time – the feeling is unbearable, period-type pains and a dragging sensation. The only time I’m free from the terrible discomfort is when I’m asleep. I have had a cystoscopy, scans, CT scan, etc and I’m still waiting for the result of the CT scan although a doctor looked at the images and found nothing obvious. I have had 2 lots of antibiotics – there is no infection. I’m at my wits end. I have been prescribed Vesicare (?) to stop me weeing so often (doesn’t work) and something else for the discomfort which I can’t take until I’ve weaned off Sertraline (which I take for anxiety). I’m supposed to be going to Poland with my Granddaughter next weekend and the thought of travelling, etc, like this scares me to death. Has anyone else had similar problems so many years after surgery when I’ve had none until this point? I’m 61.

    5. Jackie, I’m having the same issue. I had a full hysterectomy on 2/27/18. I was fine the first week. Now all of a sudden, I have ridiculous bladder leakage constantly!! My doctor said it’s spasms and it will go away but it’s not getting any better. I’m only 49 and don’t want to wear the adult bladder diapers for the rest of my life 🙁

  22. Hi, I had a total hysterectomy 9 weeks back, after a month or so post the urine culture I was detected with e coli. then antibiotic course was over, but the repeat culture still showed the same, but less in number. I was given injections. Post second dose of antibiotics my irritation increased. initially I did not have much problem. Now I have kind a itching, then at the end of my urination i am feeling a bad pull . Went to dr. and I am asked to wait and do another culture. I am drinking a lot of water, so many times I need to go to the loo. Should I be worried? Thanks for your comment.

  23. Need advise…. I will have partial hysterectomy in a few weeks to correct a prolapse. No mesh will be used so I know given my age….70…. And old vaginal tissue, this will be a temporary arrangement. I have a female Urogyne and she refuses to use mesh. I know I will be incontinent after the surgery . I am super active, travel a lot and I can’t see myself schlepping around with a suitcase full of thick pads. My doctor had suggested prescribing a specific anticholinergic and failing that expensive Botox injections. Any feedback?

  24. If I may ask…. Where are you? Three years ago I found a specialist called a Uro-Gyn…. They treat BOTH issues. Seek one out immediately and preferably one that has been trained at the Mayo Clinic. Also, ask around for a physical therapist that teaches/treats with Pelvic Floor Rehab….. Doing Kegel excercises correctly is the key to good female health after surgery. I am in NW Ohio and we now have two Uro-Gyn’s here in town. More surgery may not be needed for you…. But problems or potential ones can be addressed & averted. Do some research of your own on the two things I’ve mentioned to advocate for yourself! Good luck & God Bless!

  25. Me too exactly 9 weeks i’m pissing without pushing.going through at least 3 boxes of pads.In a week this is so uncomfortable and now i’m starting to itch down below, have pain on my right and left side and constipated all the time.I need some help.if i had known this i would have never has this surgery.

  26. I love the honest comments on this site. Makes me feel better. Had total hysterectomy 3 weeks ago. Had uti now I think I have a yeast infection. Sounds like it’s normal.

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