Weight loss plateau: Tips and Tricks to Overcome it

Have you been working out and eating your greens and still not seeing the scale move? It can be discouraging and frustrating to hit a weight loss plateau after making progress for weeks or months. But don’t worry; you’re certainly not alone in this struggle.

Woman holding a scale wondering how to get past a weight loss plateau

Many face this common challenge; thankfully, there are effective ways to overcome it. I’m excited to share some great tips and strategies to help you overcome those plateaus and get your weight loss journey back on track.

Why Does a Weight loss Plateau happen?

Is it normal to plateau during weight loss? Encountering a weight loss plateau can be puzzling, but it’s often a sign that your body has adapted to your current regimen. Let’s break down the reasons why these standstills occur:

Adaptation: It’s incredible how adaptable our bodies are! When you consistently follow an exercise and diet routine, your body becomes highly efficient at using energy, often resulting in fewer calories burned during the same activities that initially led to weight loss.

Lowered Metabolic Rate: As you lose weight, there’s less of you to carry around, and thus, your body requires fewer calories to function. This lower metabolic rate can challenge continued weight loss without further dietary or exercise adjustments.

Dietary Consistency: Eating the same foods daily can be a double-edged sword. While it helps in managing calorie intake, it can also lead to a plateau by limiting the variety of nutrients your body receives, which can, in turn, affect your metabolism.

  • A weight-loss plateau doesn’t mean our healthy lifestyle changes aren’t working.
  • The weight maintenance phase, or weight loss plateau, is essential to allow our body time to adapt.
  • Our body can then adapt to a new lower set-point weight, and we can continue losing weight.

Read more: Weight-loss plateaus explained | Weight loss tips.

How do I get Past a Weight Loss Plateau?

Understanding the reasons behind a weight loss plateau is the first step. Let’s explore some dynamic strategies to help you break through it.

1.# Try a Different Workout Routine

Your body may hit its comfort zone when you stick to the same workout routine day in and day out. Here are some ways to shake things up:

  • Stop doing the same exercises. If you jog every day, consider trying out cycling or attending a Zumba class. New activities will challenge your body differently, potentially increasing your calorie burn.
  • Pump-up Intensity: Boosting the intensity of your workouts can also help break a plateau. Consider adding interval training or increasing the weights you lift. These exercises burn more calories but can also elevate your metabolism long after you’ve finished.

2.# Reassess Your Caloric Intake

Sometimes, what worked at the start of your weight loss journey might not be as effective as you progress. Here’s what you can do:

  • Track Your Meals: It’s crucial to monitor your diet closely. Apps like MyFitnessPal are great tools for tracking your caloric intake and ensuring that “calorie creep”—a gradual increase in calories—hasn’t set in.
  • Adjust Your Diet: As your body changes, so should your diet. If your weight loss is stalling, consider reducing your overall calorie intake or tweaking your balance of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates to rekindle your body’s weight loss capabilities.

3.# Boost Your Protein Intake

If you’ve hit a weight loss plateau, one great way to break through is by looking at your protein intake. Boosting your protein can really make a difference, and here’s why:

  • Build Muscle Mass: Getting enough protein is essential for keeping your muscles strong and healthy. Muscles use up more calories than fat, even when you’re at rest. By eating plenty of protein, you can help ensure that the weight you lose is primarily fat, which can help keep your metabolism going strong.
  • Feel Fuller: Protein is fantastic at keeping you feeling full and satisfied. It helps slow digestion, so you feel full longer and don’t need to eat as much.

4. # Get Enough Sleep

Never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep, especially when you are trying to lose weight:

  • Regulate Hormones: Getting enough sleep is important for keeping your hormones in check, especially the ones that control your hunger and feeling full, like ghrelin and leptin. If you don’t get enough sleep, it can mess with these hormones, making you feel hungrier and throwing off your efforts to lose weight.
  • Recover Better: While you sleep, your muscles are repaired, which is helpful if you work out a lot. Quality sleep helps you feel better during your workouts and supports your body’s recovery, which is vital for your weight loss goals.

5. # Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate

Don’t forget to drink more water! It’s a simple but effective way to break through weight loss plateaus.

  • Increase Water Intake: It’s not uncommon to confuse thirst with hunger. Drinking enough water can ensure that you only eat when you truly need to, which can prevent unnecessary snacking or overeating.
  • Enhance Metabolism: Evidence shows that drinking water can temporarily boost your metabolism. Some studies suggest drinking about 17 ounces of water can increase metabolic rate by 10-30% for about an hour. This can add up in terms of calories burned throughout the day.

Key Points Recap

Stay Patient and Consistent: Plateaus happen to everyone on the weight loss journey.

Be Willing to Change: Trying new strategies can boost your weight loss.

Track Your Progress: Keep a tab on your diet and exercise, which can help you figure out what’s working and what might need some adjustment.

In Conclusion

Weight loss plateaus happen to everyone on a diet. But he, nothing is lost; it’s only a little bump in the road. I am sure you’ve got what it takes to reach your weight loss goals. Try mixing things up with a few new strategies to get back on track.

Use this opportunity to renew your commitment to your health and well-being. Go ahead and try a different exercise routine, or start using a new meal-tracking app. Your next big success could be closer than you think!

Weight Loss Plateau FAQ

How long does a weight loss plateau last?

It’s important to remember that these plateaus typically start around 6 months after starting a low-calorie diet and may last for at least four weeks and sometimes even for months.

Can a cheat day help break through a plateau?

It’s surprising that occasionally eating a little more can be beneficial. If you’ve been on a low-calorie diet for a while, your body might be in ‘survival mode.’ This means it’s holding onto every calorie, which can make weight loss challenging. Having a day with a slightly higher calorie intake can tell your body that it’s not in danger, which may help break through your weight loss plateau.

How do you break a weight loss plateau on keto?

To get past a weight loss plateau when following a keto diet, you can make some positive changes, such as reducing your carb or calorie intake, adding variety to your workout routine, finding ways to lower your stress levels, and experimenting with intermittent fasting. Keep these strategies in mind to continue moving forward toward your goals!


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